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Xeomin® (highly purified neurotoxin) is a FDA approved prescription medicine administered in very small doses to relax the muscles that cause the wrinkles to form. This injectable is used as a Botox substitute, and sometimes even preferred over Botox due to it's natural content.

XEOMIN® was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in July 2011. It is now widely available to patients across the US.

Christie Brinkley - Actual Xeomin® Patient
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During treatment, which usually takes about 10-20 minutes, your doctor will inject XEOMIN® into the muscles in your forehead that cause frown lines between your brows. No anesthesia is required; however, your physician may use a topical anesthetic or cold pack to reduce any discomfort.

Post Treatment

In clinical trials, some patients observed visible smoothing as early as 3-4 days after injection. The median first onset of effect was less than a week. The maximum effect typically occurs at 30 days. The typical duration of effect is up to 3 months, but may last significantly longer or shorter in individual patients.

If you have further questions about XEOMIN®, please contact our experienced, Atlanta, facial cosmetic surgeon Dr. Kun Kim today at (770) 458-4255. We are committed to combining your skin care goals with our exceptional skill to produce safe, effective results.

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